Become a Literacy Suffolk Volunteer Tutor

In June, Literacy Suffolk is launching new live training sessions using Zoom, to train new tutors of English Language Learners (ELL).

Session 1 - Orientation: Monday, June 12, 10:30 AM - 12 PM
Session 2 - ELL 1: Wednesday, June 14, 10:30 AM - 1 PM
Session 3 - ELL 2: Monday, June 26, 10:30 AM - 1 PM
Session 4 - Successful tutoring: Wednesday, June 28, 10:30 AM - 12 PM

To register for these training sessions, visit

Those who register must attend all four (4) sessions.
Applicants must be over 18 years of age and have a high school diploma.
Tutors and students must be able  to meet  2 hours a week for at  least one year.

For more information about becoming a Literacy tutor, visit

Why become a literacy tutor?:

  • Literacy Suffolk tutors are a diverse group who share a desire to help students improve their employment opportunities and strengthen their families and communities through English language literacy.
  • Some tutors are former teachers, but most are not.
  • What matters is that tutors have empathy and patience to work one-on-one with an adult learner determined to be a better reader, writer, or speaker of the English language.

Expectations of tutors:

  • Most tutors meet in person with their student once or twice a week for at least two hours.
  • Tutors are expected to work with their students for at least 12 consecutive months.

Published by on May 01, 2023
Last Modified July 16, 2024