JobNow: free career assistance

JobNow is an innovative service that features expert resume assistance, live interview preparation, career coaching, career resources, and much, much more.

Career Assessments and Resourses: Discover your best career fit based on
education, experience and personality. Access eParachute, inspired by What Color is
Your Parachute?
to help you determine what educational path to take in college and
find out what to do with your education.

Resume Templates and Resources: Get help creating a polished resume with
access to unique downloadable templates including the most common resume types
chronological, functional, and combination. Resources include valuable information about
a resume’s usage, structure, and the relative importance of a resume in one’s job search.

Premium Resume Lab: Receive personalized resume and cover letter assistance from
trained experts including:

  • Impact analysis - strategies for optimum placement/description of experiences and accomplishments
  • Format Analysis - consider the job-seeker’s experiences to determine the best way to format the resume
  • Spelling/Grammar Analysis - proofread each resume for spelling and grammar errors

Live Interview Coaching: Brush up on interview techniques or get live online interview
practice from trained job coaches JobNow coaches and users communicate via live chat in
our online classroom. In addition to live interview coaching, user enjoy 24/7 access to
interview tips and career resources.

Published by on April 14, 2021
Last Modified July 16, 2024