"To plant a seed is to believe in tomorrow"

Dear Harborfields Seed Library Members,

"To plant a seed is to believe in tomorrow"

Now is the time to save your seeds from this year's harvest. Did you know that tomatoes, peppers, beans and peas are good choices for seed saving? They have flowers that are self-pollinating and seeds that require little or no special treatment before storage.

For an easy and quick guide about seed saving go to: https://www.seedsavers.org/how-to-save-seeds

Please send your gardening pictures and success stories to kmchugh@harborfieldslibrary.org. We would love to hear about them and highlight them on our Seed Library blog.

Coming soon, we will be offering garlic bulbs to plant in the fall and harvest in the spring.

Collect, Grow & Share with your Community

Published by on August 31, 2022
Last Modified July 16, 2024
Seed Library