Seed Growing & Saving

Become a part of the Harborfields Public Library growing and seed saving community! The Library is now accepting donations of herb, vegetable and flower seeds from local gardeners. Label your seeds with the name, date and variety of collection, location where collected, and your name, and drop them off at the Reference Desk. You will become a seed steward and receive a voucher for an extra packet of seeds in the Spring.

Check out the Seed Savers Exchange website for more information on saving and sharing seeds.

Look for the Harborfields Public Library Seed Library coming in March
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Seed Garden

The Seed Garden: The Art and Practice of Seed Saving provides straightforward instruction on collecting and saving seed from your favorite heirloom and open-pollinated plants. Seed Savers Exchange and the Organic Seed Alliance bring together decades of knowledge to demystify the time honored tradition of saving seeds using lush photographs, clear instructions, and easy-to-comprehend profiles on specific crop types. Whether interested in simply saving seeds for home use or working to improve varieties of beloved squashes and tomatoes, The Seed Garden provides a deeper understanding of the art, the science, and the joy of saving seeds.

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Seedswap: the gardener's guide to saving and swapping seeds

Presents a guide to seed saving and creating a seed bank, providing information on why seed banks are important, which seeds to swap and save, and how to get involved with the worldwide horticultural campaign to save seeds.

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Seed to Seed : seed saving and growing techniques for vegetable gardeners

This is a complete seed saving guide that describes specific techniques for saving the seeds of 160 different vegetables.

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Heirloom Vegetable Gardening : a master gardener's guide to planting, growing, seed saving, and cultural history

In this encyclopedic guide to the history and cultivation of some of America's most treasured heirloom vegetables, food historian and organic gardener Will Weaver focuses on varieties of certain vegetables and discusses others. He shares his over thirty years of original research from historical archives as well as hands-on gardening experience to help the lay person appreciate the fascinating history of each vegetable, grow it, and incorporate it into everyday cooking.

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Seed Saving: a beginner's guide to heirloom gardening

Stop wasting money on store-bought seeds and create a garden you can truly call your own. With easy-to-follow instructions for lettuce, beans, corn, onions, and much more, you'll soon be creating your very own heirloom plants that will keep your garden growing strong and your family eating well. Learn how to save only the best from all your vegetables and create a wealth of seeds your family can use for years to come.

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The Garden Seed Saving Guide: easy heirloom seeds for the home gardener

At a time where commercial forces have increased control over the food supply by patenting seeds with genetically modified organisms (GMOs), seed saving has become an important skill to encourage and share. Longtime organic gardener Jill Henderson explains how preserving open-pollinated and heirloom garden seeds from one season to the next will not only save gardeners money but will also increase their self-sufficiency and help them maintain a naturally diverse gene pool of food plants. Here are some of the many "insider tips" you'll discover: which seeds are easiest to save, why saving seeds preserves genetic diversity, easy hand-pollination techniques for beginners, the right way to harvest, clean, and store seeds at home, how to save hundreds of seed varieties from only seven crop types, how to ensure seed viability and test germination rates, and ways to keep seeds from cross-pollinating. Armed with these simple tips and instructions, anyone with a green thumb will find seed saving easy and rewarding.

Published by on January 29, 2021
Last Modified July 16, 2024