Social Media Policy

Last Updated:

Social Media Policy for Harborfields Public Library

(adopted 5-24)

Introduction: At Harborfields Public Library, we value the role of social media in connecting with our community, sharing information, and fostering meaningful conversations. This social media policy outlines guidelines for the responsible use of social media by Library staff, volunteers, and patrons to maintain a positive and respectful online environment.

Purpose: The purpose of this social media policy is to:

  1. Establish clear guidelines for the use of social media platforms by Library staff, volunteers, and patrons.
  2. Ensure that all social media activities align with the mission, values, and policies of Harborfields Public Library. 
  3. Promote engagement, transparency, and respectful communication on social media platforms.
  4. Protect the privacy and confidentiality of library patrons and staff.


  1. Professional Conduct: All interactions on Harborfields Public Library's social media platforms should be conducted in a professional and courteous manner. Library staff, volunteers, and patrons are expected to respect differing opinions and engage in constructive dialogue.
  2. Accuracy and Authenticity: Information shared on the Library's social media platforms should be accurate, up-to-date, and sourced from reliable sources whenever possible. Misleading or false information should be avoided.
  3. Respect for Privacy: Library staff and volunteers must respect the privacy of Library patrons and staff. Personal information about individuals, including contact details or any other sensitive information, should not be shared on social media platforms without explicit consent.
  4. Intellectual Property: Users must respect copyright laws and intellectual property rights. Only share content that you have the right to use, and always give proper credit to the original creator when necessary.
  5. Conflict Resolution: In the event of disagreements or conflicts in public comments, individuals are encouraged to address the issue respectfully and seek resolution through constructive dialogue. Disruptive, disrespectful or profane comments will be removed.  Personal attacks are prohibited.
  6. Moderation: Harborfields Public Library reserves the right to moderate all content posted on its social media platforms. Comments that violate this policy may be deleted and repeat offenders may be blocked from participating.
  7. Public Comments: Patrons are encouraged to engage in respectful and relevant discussions in the comments section of  Harborfields Public Library's social media posts. The following rules apply to public comments: 
    1. Respectful Discourse: Comments must be respectful and refrain from personal attacks, harassment, hate speech, or discriminatory language.
    2. Relevance: Comments should be relevant to the topic of discussion. Off-topic comments, links, spam, or promotional content will be removed.
    3. Privacy: Patrons should not share personal information, such as addresses, phone numbers, or financial information, in public comments.
    4. Moderation: All public comments are subject to moderation. Comments that violate this policy will be removed.
    5. Dispute Resolution: Individuals should address disagreements respectfully and seek resolution through constructive dialogue. Library staff may intervene to facilitate discussion and resolve conflicts.
  8. Reporting Violations: Patrons who encounter comments that violate this policy are encouraged to report them to Library staff for review. Reports can be submitted via private message or email to Library Administration. 

Enforcement: Violation of this social media policy may result in the removal of content, restriction from participating in Library social media platforms, or other appropriate actions.  Harborfields Public Library reserves the right to enforce these guidelines to maintain a safe and respectful online environment.

Acknowledgment: All Library staff, volunteers, and patrons are required to read, understand, and adhere to this social media policy. By using Harborfields Public Library's social media platforms, individuals are deemed to have read and agreed to comply with the guidelines outlined in this policy.

Review and Updates: This social media policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure its effectiveness and relevance. Updates or revisions may be made as necessary to reflect changes in technology, social media platforms or organizational needs. 

By adhering to these guidelines, staff, volunteers and patrons of Harborfields Public Library can contribute to a positive and productive online community that reflects the values and mission of the Library.

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